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Each title on this page links to a digital facsimile of the original document.
Select a year to view titles from that year. Items of outstanding interest are marked *.
The documents are Crown Copyright 1944-1980 and are reproduced by permission of the Controller of HMSO.
See also The Alan Blumlein Homepage.
Select by Year:
1944 . 1945 . 1946 . 1947 . 1948 . 1949
1950 . 1951 . 1952 . 1954 . 1955 . 1956 . 1957 . 1958
1970 . 1974 . 1975
- The State of Computing in Britain and the U.S. (14 pp. + 3 pp. correspondence and notes) 1947*
- NPL Executive Committee Minutes (2 pp., incomplete) 21 Jan 1947*
- Report on Visit to U.S.A. January 1-20 1947, by Turing (1 p.) 3 Feb 1947*
- Memo from Womersley to Director (1 p.) 10 Feb 1947
- Press cutting from NPL files: EDVAC, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (3 pp.) 3 March 1947*
- Notes on a Visit of Dr Hartree to Discuss Progress on the ACE (1 p.) 6 March 1947*
- NPL Executive Committee Minutes (2 pp., incomplete) 18 March 1947*
- Extracts from Executive Committee Minutes, 18 March and 18 June 1947 (1 p.) undated
- Letter from Brody to Womersley (1 p.) March 1947
- Letter from Womersley to Brody (1 p.) 9 April 1947
- A Plan for the Design, Development and Production of the ACE (11 pp.) 12 April 1947
- Draft Annual Report for 1946 + NPL Executive Committee Minutes (21 pp., incomplete) 15 April 1947*
- ACE Pilot Test Assembly and Later Development, by Smith-Rose and Womersley (1 p.) 30 April 1947*
- Letter from Hiscocks to Condon (1 p.) 1 May 1947
- Letter from Hiscocks to King (2 pp.) 1 May 1947
- Letter from King to Hiscocks (1 p.) 12 May 1947
- NPL Executive Committee Minutes (5 pp.) 18 June 1947
- Bibliography on Automatic Digital Computing Machinery (10 pp.) June 1947
- Letter from Sir Charles Darwin to Appleton concerning Turing (2 pp.) 23 July 1947*
- Letter from Appleton to Sir Charles Darwin concerning Turing (1 p.) 25 July 1947*
- Draft of letter from Hogg to Treasury concerning Turing (2 pp.) undated*
- Letter from Sir Charles Darwin to Hogg (1 p.) 29 July 1947
- Memo to Superintendent of Maths Division (1 p.) 29 July 1947
- Memo from Smith-Rose to Director (1 p.) 5 Aug 1947*
- Memoranda from Hiscocks concerning transfer of staff to Radio Division (5 pp.) 6 Aug 1947
- Letter from Woodward to Hiscocks (1 p.) 7 Aug 1947*
- Extract from Letter from Hiscocks to Director (1 p.) 12 Aug 1947*
- ACE Project: Transfer of Staff from Radio Division, by Womersley (1 p.) 13 Aug 1947*
- Letter from Hiscocks to Woodward (1 p.) 14 Aug 1947
- Authorization to Maths Division for Investigation and Report on ACE Project (1 p.) 15 Aug 1947
- Authorization to Radio Division for Work in Connection with ACE (1 p.) 15 Aug 1947
- Memo from Hiscocks to Womersley (1 p.) 15 Aug 1947
- Post Office Account for Work on ACE (1 p.) 18 Aug 1947*
- Initiation of ACE Project in Radio Division (1 p.) 21 Aug 1947*
- ACE Project, by Womersley (1 p.) 21 August 1947*
- Expenditure on ACE (2 pp.) 21 Aug 1947
- Memo from Turing: Programming for ACE + Memo from Fieller (2 pp.) 30 Aug 1947*
- Letter from Taylor to Director's Office (1 p.) 16 September 1947
- Letter from Lavender to Smith-Rose (1 p.) 17 September 1947
- NPL Executive Committee Minutes (7 pp.) 23 Sept 1947
- ACE Test Assembly, by M. Woodger (24 pp. inc. diagrams) Sept/ Oct 1947
- Hollerith Equipment for ACE Work - Immediate Requirements, by Fieller (1 p.) 16 Oct 1947*
- Letter from Accountant to Her Majesty's Stationery Office (1 p.) 20 Oct 1947
- Letter from Sir Charles Darwin to Turing (1 p.) 11 Nov 1947
- ACE Problems (1 p.) 21 Nov 1947
- NPL Report for the Year 1947 (29 pp.)
- Test Assembly for Automatic Computing Engine (1 p.) undated
- State of Development Reached on Version VI, by Woodger (1 p.) undated